A few weeks ago Rick, the boys & I headed up to Globe/Miami for some photo fun. I had to take some pic's for one of my scrapbook challenges: Hat's Off To You Baby. My theme was COWGIRL. As you can see I had waaaaaaay to much fun! We planning to go back & do some fun CHRISTmas pic's. So here I am posong on a jeep & if I remember is late 40's or early 50's & the army Jeep is 1951. While we were taking the photo's the owner came out & I thought he was going to be upset, but oh no! instead he had fun showing us around. That's how I ended up on the jeep! Originally I was only going to do the truck pic's, but before I new it I was on an old tractor & tree stump to! ONE MAN'S JUNK IS ANOTHER MAN'S TREASURE! I can't wait to go back for more pic's & find more discoveries. Here is my finished page for the challenge.